Film is a very prolific and diverse art form. One that should be explored and celebrated. When someone takes the time to observe and appreciate art, they are more apt to engage in meaningful discussion. However, when a person feels forced or obligated to do so, then they are much less likely to appreciate it. How can we increase interest in film criticism among young people? We must encourage them to plumb the depths of cinema on their own, to appreciate film as they would a painting or a sculpture in a museum, or a song in a live concert, with both an open mind and a critical attitude. Do not force engagement, but encourage it through teaching about all the complexities of cinema: the cultural and temporal relevance, and the themes and allegories. Explain the storytelling through dialogue, cinematography, lighting, music and acting, films’ independence and their interdependence, and the beauty of film’s gestalt. Demonstrate that film can be more than momentary entertainment, and we can teach kids to appreciate art for what it is. 

Benjamin Cooper

Benjamin Cooper

Study film, work in videography and broadcasting, live the best life possible.